Kita Schatztruhe Rotkreuz
Kita Schatztruhe – die familiäre Kinderbetreuung in Rotkreuz.

Kita Schatztruhe – the Christian adventure day-care centre in Rotkreuz.

The Christian adventure
day-care centre.

Your children are our treasure.

From 3 months to school age with day school care. The Kita is open throughout the summer. We competently take care of your children with a lot of love.

Our Kita

About us

We have been around since 2009.
When Rebekka Sparrow set up Kita Schatztruhe in 2009, her vision was to establish a family-focused childcare centre that could combine her own experience of raising four children and her professional skills as a social worker. The Kita has grown from that first small group of children and staff, but has retained the family feel and dedication to its children that Rebekka first envisioned.


Each year we celebrate approximately 68 birthdays.
Whether it is the birthday of one of our children or staff, a local festival like Fasnacht, or a traditional celebration like Christmas – we love to celebrate!

Each year we walk about 500km and eat about 500kg of vegetables and salad.
Healthy eating and movement are two of the prime focuses of our Kita. Your child can romp in the gym hall, climb trees, paddle in streams, roll down hills and jump in leaves.

Each year we sing grace about 723 times before we eat.
Our Kita is founded on Christian principles. Each person is valued and valuable. This influences the way we work in the team, with the children, the parents, and with each other. Everyone is welcome and wanted in the Kita Schatztruhe regardless of your family situation, religious background, nationality, language, or income level.

Each month we write about 24 posts on our App.
Our ‘Family App’ allows parents to experience the daily life of their children, helps with the administration and organisation of the Kita, and is an easy way to ensure quick communication between our staff and parents. In addition, we also value and appreciate personal contact and connection with the parents – the daily handover procedure, parents’ evenings and open mornings, the acclimatisation period – communication with parents is our key to a good partnership in caring for your children.

In summer 2019 we visited 15 different playgrounds as our summer project.
We want to encourage your children to safely enjoy different adventures. We regularly visit museums, the airport, the fire station, playgrounds, but also love to explore nature (for example in our weekly forest mornings), giving your children a broad scope of experiences.

Each year our staff change approximately 17,352 nappies.
Your precious children are looked after by a professionally educated and motivated team. We regularly invest in internal and external professional development courses and are a registered training facility for young people who are going through their professional training as childcare workers. We offer some training positions for students in child education at the University of Applied Sciences (Kindererziehung HF, a childcare tertiary education college). We also offer a placement opportunity for young people doing civil service (instead of military service).


Want to know more?
Please get in touch, we would love to answer your questions.

Kita Schatztruhe Rotkreuz
Kita Schatztruhe Rotkreuz


(The Kita as a non-profit organisation)

The Kita is a registered not-for-profit organisation (a ‘Verein’). All parents are automatically counted as members of the Verein. At the annual members’ meeting, a supervisory board is elected to guide the Kita management team. The Verein takes no profit but is designed to ensure that the Kita remains a going concern. The Kita offers structured day-care for children from 3 months of age until they leave school an educational daily structure in Rotkreuz.

Day-care inspectors have assessed the Kita Schatztruhe to be a professional family-support service, where children can be entrusted to reliable and competent professionals.

Kita Schatztruhe is open to all children, regardless of the family’s religious background, nationality, language, or income level.

As a not-for-profit organisation without financial support from Kanton Zug, we are fully dependent on family fees. In order to be able to continue to provide high quality, structured care for children in the future, as well as to ensure a secure working environment for our staff (we train care professionals and, since summer 19, students of the higher vocational school for childhood education), we are also partially funded by donations.

Consider becoming part of our Kita family by joining our Verein as a member. In so doing, you contribute towards a more secure future for our children at Kita Schatzruhe. We look forward to hearing from you.


Our Values

Kita Schatztruhe emphasises Christian values such as kindness, consideration, tolerance, respect and constructive conflict resolution.

‘You are special, I am too’ – we believe that each person is created intentionally, is valuable and unique. Our work is based on the acceptance and recognition of each person’s unique nature. Children, parents and team members are welcome just as they are, and mutual respect and valuing of each other shapes our daily life.

Our Christian viewpoint tells us that everyone is created by God and every child has the following rights (list not exhaustive):

  • The right to have their unique personality accepted
  • The right to active, positive care
  • The right to their personal space being respected
  • The right to fair confrontation resolution
  • The right to healthy nutrition and movement
  • The right to free thinking and treatment

We are open to all families, regardless of background, religious belief or family situation. We look forward to getting to know you.

Kita Schatztruhe Rotkreuz

What’s special about Kita Schatztruhe?

Supplementary school care

Since February 1, 22

Care from the 1st year of kindergarten

  • For all kindergarten children, initial support up to KG
  • Kindergarten children are picked up from the KG after class
  • School holidays and days off are covered
  • Homework assistance

School holidays and days off from school are covered in the monthly flat rate.

Coverage of all school holidays (except two weeks of Christmas holidays)

We make compatibility possible!

Gym Hall

We love to move! Movement contributes to the general health and development of all our children. Our 90m2 gym hall has plenty of space to play football, ride bobby cars, tumble together, and develop gross motor skills.

Forest and Nature Days

Every Tuesday the Diamond Group (3 to 5 years) explores the woods, meadows, streams and lakes together, have great adventures in the outdoors and even cook lunch together over a fire.


As an official partner of ‘Purzelbaum Schweiz’, we are committed to regular movement and the good health of all our children. Purzelbaum Schweiz is an organisation promoting these values in primary schools across Switzerland.
Your children benefit from our affiliation with Purzelbaum Schweiz, as our Staff complete initial training and further ongoing development courses offered by Purzelbaum Schweiz. These activities are then implemented in the Kita.

Bible Story Time

Once a week, the older children listen to a Bible story, make a craft, and sing songs. You may decide to allow your child to attend this activity if you wish to, as it is open to children of any religious background. This story time is part of our Christian value system in the Kita.


As a trained and certified chef with many years of experience in catering and managing healthy diets, Marianne cooks the best meals and makes the most delicious salad sauce. Always freshly prepared from seasonal and, where possible, regional ingredients, and taking into consideration intolerances and allergies, your child will eat a whole range of interesting and imaginative healthy dishes.


The Family app gives parents a glimpse into the Kita’s daily life and supports the staff with the administration of the Kita.
Data secure and easy to download, it can be used on a smartphone or computer.

Daily Routine

A day in the life of the Kita

The staff at Kita Schatztruhe look after your children in four age-appropriate groups. As your children are our treasures (Schätze = treasures), these groups are appropriately named:

  • Goldstückli (Gold Nuggets), aged 3 – 18 months
  • Perlen (Pearls) aged 18 months – 3 years
  • Diamanten (Diamonds) aged 3 – 5 years
  • Kristalle (Crystals) from the voluntary kindergarten year – approx. 12 years, day school care

The children are central to our daily activities, and we plan our programmes according to their interests, developmental stages and the time of year. We always encourage their development through self-motivated play and exploration, under our careful supervision. Whether on the playground, in the group room or in the gym hall, we want all the children to have fun as they adventure with us.

With us it’s important that your child can be a child.
Also important to the Kita is the celebration of various festivals. Whether it is a birthday, a Swiss cultural event like Fasnacht, or Christian traditions such as Christmas and Easter, we love to celebrate. And the children love it too.

  • Morning

    • 07:00 – 07:45: Breakfast
    • 09:00: Free play
    • 09:30: Welcome circle time in groups, followed by morning snack
    • 09:30 – 11:00: Activity time (crafts, gym hall, or outside in nature)
    • 11:00 – 11:30: Singing and story time
  • Midday

    • 11:30: Lunchtime
    • 12:15: Midday nap or rest time
  • Afternoon

    • 14:00: Activity time (crafts, gym hall, or outside in nature)
    • 15:30: Afternoon snack
    • 16:00 – 18:30: Free play/home time
  • 07:00 – 07:45: Breakfast
  • 09:00: Free play
  • 09:30: Welcome circle time in groups, followed by morning snack
  • 09:30 – 11:00: Activity time (crafts, gym hall, or outside in nature)
  • 11:00 – 11:30: Singing and story time
  • 11:30: Lunchtime
  • 12:15: Midday nap or rest time
  • 14:00: Activity time (crafts, gym hall, or outside in nature)
  • 15:30: Afternoon snack
  • 16:00 – 18:30: Free play/home time
Kita Schatztruhe Rotkreuz


Proud custodians of your treasures

“It is a great pleasure for me to invest in your children every day with a motivated and competent team consisting of educators, group leaders, a cook, care assistants and trainees.”

Kita Schatztruhe Rotkreuz

Rebekka Sparrow
Sozialpädagogin HF
Leitung Non Profit Unternehmen


Proud custodians of your treasures

Kita Schatztruhe Rotkreuz

Rebekka Sparrow
Sozialpädagogin HF
Leitung Non Profit Unternehmen

Kita Schatztruhe Rotkreuz

Stv. Kita-Leitung und Gruppenleitung

Leiterin schulergänzende Betreuung
Gruppe Diamanten
FaBe Kind EFZ

Kita Schatztruhe Rotkreuz

Melanie L.
Gruppe Goldstückli
FaBe Kind EFZ
i.A. Kindheitspädagogin HF

Kita Schatztruhe Rotkreuz
Kita Schatztruhe Rotkreuz
Kita Schatztruhe Rotkreuz

Gruppe Perlen
FaBe Kind EFZ
i.A. Kindheitspädagogin HF


schulergänzende Betreuung


in Erwachsenenausbildung

EFZ Betreuung Kind


Gruppenleitung Diamanten

FaBe Kind EFZ


Auszubildender im 2. Lehrjahr
FaBe Kind EFZ


Auszubildende im 1. Lehrjahr
FaBe Kind EFZ


Auszubildende im 1. Lehrjahr
FaBe Kind EFZ


Auszubildender im 2. Lehrjahr
FaBe Kind EFZ


Auszubildender im 1. Lehrjahr
FaBe Kind EFZ







Contact details

Kita opening hours

Mon – Fri: 07:00 – 18:30

Visits also possible via video call.


Open every day throughout summer.
Closed over Christmas and New Year for two weeks.

KiTa Schatztruhe – Kindertagesstätte
Lettenstrasse 9
6343 Rotkreuz

Office opening hours

Mon: 08.00 – 17.00 Uhr
Tues + Thurs: 08.30 – 16.30 Uhr
Fri: 08.30 – 11.00 Uhr

Outside of these office opening hours and during management holiday periods, only group staff will be contactable.



Please use the contact form below.
We look forward to hearing from you.

As a not-for-profit organisation without financial contribution from Kanton Zug, we are fully dependent on family fees and donations. 

Would you like to support our daycare? Thank you for your donation.


There is no doubt that the best care for your child is within the family. The Kita is there to support the family, not to replace it. In the familiar and informal atmosphere of the Kita groups, your child will learn social skills such as sharing, conflict resolution, compromising and making friends that could benefit the family environment. Through play, children learn and develop their gross and fine motor skills, their speech, language development, and reasoning skills. With the support of our fully-trained staff, each child develops their own abilities, strengths and interests.  We seek to build an educational partnership with families, supporting each child as they take their first steps into a great future.

Kita fees are calculated per day or per half day. The prices can be found on our Rates page (Link rates page).
Kita pricing takes into account the highly qualified staff, the rental and upkeep costs of the premises, cost of toys and play equipment, meals and snacks, and products for cleaning and caring for the premises and children.
When calculated on an hourly basis, it is clear that there is not much funding left over after basic costs. Unfortunately, there seems to be a lack of government support for working families, and recognition of the greater requirements for childcare outside the home. As a not-for-profit organisation we continue to fight for government support and additional government funding.

We fully understand these concerns. Between runny noses and tummy bugs, it is also not always easy for staff working on the front line. Hence, we are always vigilant about hygiene and cleanliness in the Kita – hygiene rules, regular cleaning of group rooms and toys, and rigorous handling of sick and infectious children definitely helps. Unfortunately, we can’t promise that your child won’t pick up the occasional illness at the Kita. Having said this, viruses and bacteria are also important for the building up of a healthy immune system. It has been statistically proven that children who are exposed to many viruses and bacteria in early childhood, are found to be much more resilient to illnesses, allergies and critical diseases in later childhood and as adults.

We are not doctors, and often have to make decisions based on a gut feel. If your child ‘only’ has a cold, then we are happy to take care of them. However, if it is something infectious (like conjunctivitis, stomach flu or similar), or if the child has a fever of 38 degrees Celsius or above, then the parents must collect the child and keep them at home for 24 hours after the fever has ended. We may occasionally also ask for a doctor’s note. The health of the staff and the other children is of the highest priority.

Take your time to look at the different options on offer to decide what would best fit your family circumstances. You are very welcome to call during our office hours to make an appointment to visit the Kita. We can show you all our facilities, give you the opportunity to get a feeling for the Kita’s daily routine, and if you wish, you could also take the opportunity to fill in the application forms (also possible without a visit.)
All applicants are immediately put onto our waiting list and as soon as a place becomes available, we will inform you. The more flexible you are, the easier it will be to get a space. We look forward to hearing from you.

In addition to the obligatory insurance, we recommend that your child is vaccinated (please check the swiss federal office website for further information: «Vaccinations and prevention»).
A short intake interview gives us more information about your child’s character, their likes and dislikes and any other special information.
Your child will need slippers, house shoes or anti-slip socks, suitable clothing (plus a spare pair in case a change is needed), rain clothes and rainboots are also needed –now the Schatztruhe adventure can begin.

Every child is welcome at Kita Schatztruhe. Whether your child needs a special diet (for a gluten/dairy intolerance, diabetes or similar) or needs extra daily support (special needs, trisomy 21, Asperger’s syndrome etc), we ensure that every child is wanted and loved. We will work together with you to ensure that your child thrives under our excellent care. Please contact us for further information.

It is indeed common that there is generally a high turnover of staff in Kitas. Many factors have influenced this, but we have had good success in limiting high turnover. In comparison to other Kitas, we pay a good wage, we invest intensively in further training of our staff, and we foster a culture of valuing and accepting each other. Kita Schatztruhe is a bit like a second home, for your child and also for our staff. In the last few years, we have had a lot of consistency, and we are very proud that many of our staff stay with us for many years.
During the Kita day we work closely together. For example, at every meal all the groups eat together in the dining room, meaning your child will eat with their fixed group and key staff, but will also come to know all the other groups and staff, and should therefore grow more comfortable and feel more at home throughout the Kita.

All our qualified staff have completed a 3-year Swiss-recognised diploma for childcare and we are authorised by the Kanton of Zug as a training entity for students completing this diploma. We also train child-educators from the University of Applied Sciences (Kindererziehung HF, a childcare tertiary educational college).
Our assistant staff have many years of experience and training in childcare and social development.
We also offer one or two places for the civil service (an option offered as an alternative to military service).
Because we do not encourage the use of underage employees, in general we do not offer any places for a practical year (for teenagers before beginning their apprenticeships).

At the Kita, your child will learn about the world through play. We put most of our emphasis on free play – this has proved to have the biggest effect on the development of your child. Of course we will challenge and encourage your child to develop their speech, motor and social skills, we also prepare your child for all the learning that they will do once they start formal schooling, but it is most important that your child can enjoy being a child with us.

We love to celebrate and to integrate special occasions into daily life. As often as possible, we get out and about to, for example, the Transport Museum, the farm, the fire station or the airport. These outings are an integral part of our daily activities.
We also enjoy special occasions such as the visit from Samichlaus, parent activities like brunches or parents’ evenings, and celebrating birthdays goes without question!


We are currently looking for a Co-Educator for 80% of the baby group and a jumper for holidays and sick pay.

Currently all positions are taken.

We are currently looking for a jumper for holidays and sick pay.

Please contact us.